It is selfishness that has deplorably contracted your heart. Selfishness is the bane of society. Selfishness clouds understanding. Selfishness is petty-mindedness. Bhoga increases selfishness
and selfish Pravritti. It is the root cause for human sufferings. Real spiritual progress starts in selfless service. Serve the Sadhus, Sannyasins, Bhaktas and poor, sick persons with Bhava, Prema and Bhakti. The Lord is seated in the hearts of all. The spirit of service must deeply enter into your very bones, cells, tissues, nerves, etc. The reward is invaluable. Practise and feel the cosmic expansion and infinite Ananda. Tall talk and idle gossiping will not do, my dear friends! Evince intense zeal and enthusiasm in work. Be fiery in the spirit of service. Have Nishta with God and Cheshta with hands like the Bahurupi who has the Nishta of a male and the Cheshta of a female. You will be able to do two things at a time by practice.
The manual work will become automatic, mechanical or intuitive. You will have two minds. A portion of the mind will be at work; three quarters of the mind will be in the service of the Lord, in meditation, in Japa. Karma Yoga is generally combined with Bhakti Yoga. A Karma Yogin offers to the Lord as an oblation whatever he does through the Karma Indriyas. This is Ishvara Pranidhana.
Training For Karma Yoga A raw untrained aspirant feels, “My preceptor is treating me like a servant or a peon. He is using me for petty jobs.” He who has understood the right significance of Karma Yoga will take every work as Yogic activity or worship of the Lord. There is no menial work in his vision. Every work is Puja of Narayana. In the light of Karma Yoga all actions are sacred. That aspirant who always takes immense delight in doing works which are considered by the worldly man as menial services, and who always does willingly such acts only will become a dynamic Yogi. He will be absolutely free from conceit and egoism. He will have no downfall. The canker of pride cannot touch him.
Study the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhiji. He never makes any difference between menial service and dignified work. Scavenging and cleaning of the latrine is the highest Yoga for him. This is the highest Puja for him. He himself has done cleaning of latrines. He has annihilated this illusory little ‘I’ through service of various sorts. Many highly educated persons joined his Ashram for learning Yoga under him.
They thought that Gandhiji would teach them Yoga in some mysterious manner in a private room and would give lessons on Pranayama, meditation, abstraction, awakening Kundalini, etc. They were disappointed when they were asked to clean the latrine at first. They left the Ashram immediately. Gandhiji himself does repairing of his shoes. He himself used to grind flour and take upon his shoulders the work of others also when they were unable to do their allotted portion of work for the day in the Ashram. When an educated person, a new Ashramite, felt shy to do grinding work, Gandhiji himself would do his work in front of him and then the man would do the work himself from the next day willingly.
In the West cobblers and peasants have risen to a very great position in society. Every work is a respectable work for them. A boy applies polish to the boots in the streets of London for a penny, carries newspapers and journals in the afternoon for sale and works as an apprentice under a journalist during his leisure hours at night. He studies books, works hard, never wastes a minute and in a few years becomes a journalist of great repute and international fame. In Punjab some graduates have taken to hair-dressing work. They have understood the dignity of labour. 17
A real Yogi does not make any difference between menial and respectable work. It is only an ignorant man who makes such a difference. Some aspirants are humble in the beginning of their spiritual career.
When they get some name and fame, some followers, admirers, devotees and disciples, they become victims to pride. They cannot do any service. They cannot carry anything on their heads or hands. That Yogi who carries the trunk on his head without the slightest feeling in the railway platform amidst a multitude of his admirers, disciples and devotees, without making any outward show of humility must be adored. Sage Jada Bharata carried the palanquin of King Rahugana on his shoulders without murmuring. Lord Krishna shampooed the legs of a Raja when his barber devotee was on leave.
Sri Rama carried a pot of water for the ablution of one of his devotees. Sri Krishna took the form of a menial servant as Vithoo and paid the money to the Nawab on behalf of his devotee, Dhamaji. If you really want to grow in the spiritual path you must do all sorts of service daily till the end of life. Then only you are safe. Do not stop doing service when you have become a famous Yogi. The spirit of service must enter every nerve, cell, tissue and bone of your body. It must be ingrained in you. Then only you will become a real, full-blown practical Vedantin. Is there any greater Vedantin or Karma Yogin than Lord Buddha? He still lives in our hearts, because the spirit of service was ingrained in him and he spent his whole life in serving others in various ways. You can also become a Buddha if you apply yourself diligently to selfless service with the right mental attitude.
Attain Nirlipta State Lord Krishna says in His Gita: “Tasmat sarveshu kaleshu mam anusmara yudhyacha—Therefore, at all times think of Me and fight.” Give the mind to God and the hand to work. The typist works at the machine and talks with his friends. The player on the harmonium plays on the organ and talks and jokes with his friends; the lady knits and talks with her comrades. The mind of the girl who has a water pot on her head is on the water pot, though she is talking and joking with her companions while she is walking on the road. A nurse while she is nursing the baby of another lady has her mind rivetted on her own baby.Acowherd while he is looking after the cows of other people has his mind fixed on his own cow. Even so, have your mind fixed at the lotus feet of the Lord, while you are doing your household duties and office work. You will realise Self-consciousness quickly. Just as the water remains unaffected in the lotus leaf, just as the oil floats upon the surface of the water without being affected in any way, so also you should remain in the world amidst pleasures and difficulties. Just as the tongue is not affected by taking ghee, so also you should remain unaffected even amidst worldly activities and troubles. You must keep up the Nirlipta state.
This is Jnana. This is balance (Samata). You may fail to keep the balance and Nirlipta state a thousand and one times. But in the long run you are bound to succeed if you persist in your practice and if you discipline the mind properly. Every failure is a pillar for future success. Remember this point well. A Karma Yogin should not expect even return of love, appreciation, gratitude, admiration from the people whom he is serving. 18 YOGA IN DAILY LIFE Only he who has reduced his wants and controlled the Indriyas can do Karma Yoga.
How can a luxurious man with revolting Indriyas serve others? He wants everything for himself and wants to exploit and domineer others. Another qualification is that you must be balanced in success or failure, gain or loss, victory or defeat. You must be free from Raga and Dvesha. “An action which is ordained, done by one undesirous of fruit, devoid of attachment, without love or hate, that is called pure.” (Gita XVIII-23) What Is Karma Karma means work or action. According to Jaimini, rituals like Agnihotra, Yajnas, etc., are termed Karmas. There is a hidden power in Karma termed Adrishta which brings in fruits of Karmas for the individual. Karma is all for Jaimini. Karma is everything for a student of Mimamsic school of thought. Jaimini is the founder of Purva Mimamsa. He was student of Maharishi Vyasa, the founder of Uttara Mimamsa or Vedanta. The Mimamsa school deny the existence of Ishvara who awards the fruits of works. According to the Gita, any action is Karma. Charity, sacrifice, Tapas are all Karmas.
In a philosophical sense, breathing, seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling, walking, talking, etc., are all Karma. Thinking is the real Karma. Raga-Dvesha constitute the real Karma. How To Find Right Or Wrong Action Have right thinking. Use your reason and commonsense. Follow the injunctions of the Sashtras. Consult the code of Manu or Yajnavalkya Smriti whenever you have doubts. You will be able to find out whether you are doing right or wrong action. If you say, “Sastras are countless. They are like the ocean. I can hardly understand the truths that are inculcated. I cannot fathom and gauge their depths. There are contradictions. I ampuzzled and bewildered.” Then strictly follow the words of a Guru on whom you have absolute faith and confidence. The third way is: Have fear in God. Consult your conscience.
The shrill, inner voice will guide you. As soon as you hear the voice, do not delay even a moment. Start the action diligently without consulting anybody. Practise to hear the inner voice in the morning at 4 a.m. If there is fear, shame, or pricking of conscience, know that you are doing a wrong action. If there is joy, exhilaration or satisfaction understand that you are doing right action. Inner Voice When the diverse, confining sheaths of Atman have been dissolved by Sadhana, when the different Vrittis of the mind have been controlled by mental drill or gymnastics, when the conscious mind is not active, you enter the realm of spirit life, the superconscious mind where Buddhi and pure reason and intuition, the faculty of direct cognition of Truth manifest.
You pass into the kingdom of peace where there is none to speak, you will hear the voice of God which is very clear and pure and has an upward tendency. Listen to the voice with attention and interest. It will guide you. It is the voice of God. For A Karma-Yogin (By Sri Sankaracharya) Atma tvam girija matih sahachara pranah sareeram griham Puja te vishayopa bhoga rachana nidra samadhi sthitih Sancharah padayoh pradakshina vidhih stotrani sarvagiro; Yadyat karma karomi tat tat akhilam Shambho tavaradhanam. Repeat the Sloka at the end of your meditation.
“Thou art Atma; Buddhi is Thy consort, Parvathi (who is born of mountain); the Pranas are Thy attendants; this body is Thy house; the action of sensual enjoyment is Thy worship; deep sleep is the establishment of Samadhi; walking by my feet is the perambulation around Thee; all my speeches are Thy praise; whatever actions I perform, are all Thy worship; Oh Shambhu!”
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Half-hearted service is no service at all. Give your whole heart, mind and soul when you serve. This is very important when you practise Karma Yoga. Some people have their body in one place, mind in another place, and soul in another place. This is the reason why they do not realise any substantial progress in the path. Forget not the goal of life amidst selfish activities. The goal of life is Self-realisation. Are you attempting to reach the end and aim of life? Are you doing Japa, Pranayama and Meditation? Have you kept up the ideal before the mind’s eye? That day in which you do not practise any spiritual Sadhana is wasted.
Give the mind to God and the hand to work. You will have to analyse and scrutinise your motives. It is the selfish motive and not the work itself that binds a man to Samsara. Prepare the mind for Karma Yoga. Mere selfish work cannot be taken as Yogic activity. The mind is so framed that it always expects something for a small piece of work. When you smile you expect a return of smile from your friend.
When you raise your hand in salutation, you expect a salute from other people. Even when you give a cup of water to another man, you expect him to be grateful to you. When such is the case how can you perform Nishkama Karma Yoga? Life is very precious. Live in the spirit of the Gita’s teaching and work without expectation of fruits and egoism. Think you are Nimitta in the hands of Lord Narayana. If you work with this mental attitude you will become a Yogi soon. Work never degrades a man. Unselfish work is Puja of Narayana.
Work is worship. All works are sacred. There is no menial work from the highest view point, from the view point of the absolute, from the view point of Karma Yoga. Even scavenging when done with the right spirit and mental attitude is Yogic action. Even a scavenger can realise God in his own station of life by service. The famous butcher Dharma Vyadha of Mahabharata realised God in his meat shop (through serving his parents).
You all have got inside all materials for wisdom. There is a vast magazine of power and knowledge within you. It wants kindling. Now wake up, Oh Saumya! When you work disinterestedly without any agency and when you surrender the works and fruits as Ishvararpana, all Karmas are transformed into Yogic Kriyas. Walking, eating, sleeping, answering the calls of nature, talking, etc., become offering unto the Lord. Every bit of work is
. Think that Lord Siva is working through your hands, and is eating through your mouth. Think that your hands are the hands of Lord Siva.
In the beginning some of your actions may be selfish and some may be unselfish. In the long run you can do all actions in an unselfish manner. Scrutinise your motives always. This is the keynote for Nishkamya Karma Yoga. Every act can be spiritualised when the motive becomes pure. Work is meditation. Serve everyone with intense love without any idea of agency without expectation of fruits or reward. If you adopt the path of Jnana, feel you are a silent Sakshi and the Prakriti does everything.
From - Yoga in daily Life
The Serpentine Power is called Kundalini-Sakti on account of its spiral-like working in the
body of the Yogi developing the power in himself. It is an electric fiery occult power, the mighty
pristine force underlying all organic and inorganic matter. The Yoga which treats of this
Kundalini-Sakti is called Kundalini-Yoga.35
Kundalini is the Divine Cosmic Energy in bodies. Siddhi or perfection in Yoga is achieved by arousing this Supreme Force which is lying dormant in the Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spinal column in the form of a serpent with 3 1/2 coils. That Yogi in whom the Kundalini is awakened and taken towards the top of the head is the real King of kings or Emperor of emperors. He has all divine powers. All Siddhis and Riddhis (minor powers) roll under his feet. He can command Nature. He can command the five elements. His glory is indescribable.
Before proceeding to know something about the Chakras and the Kundalini-Sakti it is
essential to know something about the spinal column and the Nadis or nerve-currents. The spinal column is called Meru-danda, and it extends from the Kanda (situated between the anus and the root of the reproductory organ) to the base of the skull. There are two Nadis on either side of the spinal column called Ida and Pingala, and between these two runs a hollow canal called Sushumna at the lower extremity of which lies the Kundalini-Sakti sleeping a trance-sleep (Yoga Nidra). Ida starts from the right testicle and Pingala from the left, and they both meet the Sushumna at the Muladhara Chakra. Ida flows through the left nostril and Pingala through the right. Ida is cooling, while Pingala is heating. Sushumna which originates at the Muladhara Chakra runs right up to the top of the head. Ida and Pingala indicate time; Sushumna is the devourer of time. When the Prana flows through the Sushumna, “the most highly beloved of the Yogins”, the mind becomes quite steady. The Yogi defies death by devitalising Ida and Pingala and taking the Prana through the Sushumna to the crown of the head or Brahmarandhra (Seat of Brahman). When the Kundalini is awakened, it forces its way through the Sushumna, and its progress is characterized by supernatural visions, acquisition of various special powers, knowledge, peace and bliss. When the Kundalini is taken to the Sahasrara Chakra (at the top of the head). The Yogi enjoys Supreme Bliss.
Kundalini yoga is considered the most powerful form of yoga. Kundalini yoga comes from the Sanskrit word kundal, which means the lock of the hair from the beloved. The hair symbolizes the unlimited potential inside each individual.
Basic Idea behind Kundalini Yoga
In Kundalini Yoga the creating and sustaining Sakti of the entire body is in fact and truly united with Lord Siva. It uses asanas, pranayama, and mantra. It is based upon Kundalini energy which is “one’s dormant spiritual energy.”
This energy is symbolized as a coiled up snake at the base of the spine, which is the first chakra. The energy is released through breathing, chanting, and movement in order that you can recognize your full potential.
It brings together the masculine and feminine powers of the body. The goal of Kundalini yoga is to move the Kundalini energy up through all seven chakras. When you reach the seventh chakra you experience enlightenment.
Benefits of Kundalini Yoga
* Balancing of emotions
* Strengthening of the nervous system
* Increases energy level
* Enlivens sense of awareness
* Encourages sense of peace
* Brings clarity to the mind
* Stress reduction
* Strengthens the immune system
* Increases lung capacity for better breathing
* Supports and encourages personal transformation and growth
* Orients consciousness to create happiness and health
Kundalini yoga is not only useful in strengthening the health and well-being of the physical body, but also very useful for emotional balance, stress relif, mental clarity, and personal transformation. Kundalini can be awakened by various means and these different methods are called by different names, viz., Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, etc.
A yoga practitioner should know something about the spinal column, which is the location of five of the seven chakras, or energy centers to practice Kundalini yoga. We all know that the spinal column is part of the human nervous system, which also includes the brain and nerves.
These things jointly are responsible for our thought, imagination, memory, and intelligence. Five of the seven chakras are situated alongside the spinal column and the remaining two chakras are situated on the head one in the middle and one on the top.
A person can visualize the Kundalini energy traveling up the spine as he or she breathes. This energy begins and ends with that individual. It is the awakening of the self. Often a person will feel warmth along the chakras, when an individual awaken the Kundalini energy. Others have reported they feel a tingling sensation.
Kundalini yoga includes a set of postures and exercises that work on a particular area of the body, mind, and spirit. There are hundreds of these sets, which can be used to awaken a yoga practitioner to his or her full potential.
These postures deal with each aspect of human nature right from the issues of physical health to issues of mental health to general well being.
Yoga practitioner enters a state of deep relaxation often accompanied by spiritual music and sometimes a gong after the completion of the sets. Lastly, the yoga practitioner of kundalini yoga ends up with a breath or mantra meditation.
Kundalini Yoga
The Be All And End All Of All Yoga Forms
If you have life energy within, then it is possible for you to get maximum benefit and well as meditation. It is the power of the Divine as embodied in the Mother. Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that requires a lot of care and you should ensure that you practice it under the tutelage of a teacher; otherwise it could be problematic.
Concentrate On the Heart Center
According to the learned teachers of Kundalini yoga, you need to concentrate on the heart center so that you can enjoy the beauty and strength of being one, and experience pure joy. In the heart center lays significant purity which can be harnessed in order to illume the lower and other centers. It means having to concentrate your entire being on one center of energy and to also invoke the main deity of that center.
If you want to experience the rich benefits of Kundalini yoga you need to get complete control over your thoughts and you must focus on a single point and place all your concentration on your spiritual practice. You won’t have the opportunity of taking short cuts and thus you need to develop a discipline of the spirit as well as properly master how to concentrate the self.
The practice of Kundalini yoga will help in developing psychic powers which may either be put to a positive or negative use, and it is often prone to being misused. It is not uncommon for a person to use the immense powers of Kundalini yoga to bolster the ego instead of putting it to proper use. You must also be completely sincere in your practice of Kundalini yoga and there should be no deviation from the proper path.
It is purity as well as love that you should seek and more particularly Divine Love pertaining to the Mother. There is no place for experiencing worldly pleasures and one must give ones all to the practice of Kundalini yoga.
Unique Yoga Form
There is however scope for choosing other paths as well that are not so difficult as Kundalini yoga is not the only path to follow. It is however, striving for unity through the path of bringing alive the psychic forces, and thus Kundalini yoga is also thought of as being the be all and end all of all forms of yoga. Even though, from a cursory glimpse of it, you may think that it is the same as Hatha yoga; there is however importance laid on mantras and meditation as it is really quite unique.
About the Author
Ann Marier writes informative articles on general health issues providing helpful tips and advice. Her latest articles about the benefits of yoga including lossing weight from yoga
There are different types of yoga offered today. If you are interested in starting a yoga class you need to know what choices you have. If you haven't heard about Kundalini Yoga before that is because it hasn't been very popular. But Yogi Bhajan thought that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy this kind of yoga. So he created 3H0, which stands for Healthy, Happy, and Holy Organization. Until 1969 it had primarily been practiced in the west.
The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to reach the untouched energy that is located at the base of the spine. With Kundalini Yoga the energy should be drawn up through the body and causes a positive effect. If this happens you are to experience full enlightment.
The main focus in Kundalini Yoga is breathing. With each Kundalini Yoga session and with specific breathing techniques your body will move the energy that is buried within up to the surface and allowing to flow. To begin Kundalini Yoga you will perform a warm up stretch that will improve the flexibility. Next you will focus on an area of the body and begin meditation. You will also chant mantra, prananyama, and mudras as well. Those who practice Kundalini Yoga have their own formal attire which consists of white robes and a head wrap.
If you are considering Kundalini Yoga you need to know that this type of yoga is the most spiritual type of yoga performed. It offers an upper level of mental and physical challenges. You need to be focused on Kundalini Yoga if you choose to try it. It will take skill as you use rapid and consistent movements while breathing in a certain way. You may experience a sudden burst of energy afterward but if you feel tired don't give up. Keep going back to your Kundalini Yoga class and you will feel the affects soon.
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Although there are many types of yoga, and it may be impractical to try them all, experiencing some of the main branches -- including Kundalini yoga -- will give you a fuller grasp of yoga’s essence and benefits. Kundalini yoga isn't just another practice, however. It's often referred to as the mother of all yoga, and said to be one of the most powerful forms.
What's more, Kundalini yoga is a little different from other practices. Most forms of yoga concentrate on the body's poses, combined with breathing and meditation exercises. While Kundalini yoga still concerns itself with forms and poses, it places much more emphasis on breathing, chanting, and releasing a special energy we all possess unawares.
In Kundalini yoga, the special energy is likened to a powerful serpent lying asleep at the base of the spine. But practitioners can awaken the powerful serpent with the use of Kundalini techniques, releasing almost unimaginable energy.
How It’s Done
In Kundalini yoga, you'll combine classic poses, meditation, chanting or mantras, and also coordinate your breath and movement. In this yoga, the serpent that represents energy is said to lie asleep at the base of your spine, coiled and dormant. Specifically, this region is located in the perineum area of the body. That is, it lies between the rectum and the testicles in males, and between the vagina and the clitoris in females. When awakened, the dormant masculine energy (Siva) and feminine energy (Sakti) unite to create a powerful surge unlike anything you're likely to have experienced before.
What Can It Do For Me?
The powerful energy released by Kundalini yoga is said to do many things for the body. And yet, although it can help you physically, its primary benefits are spiritual. All the intangible energies that help to shape our lives are affected by Kundalini yoga, such as divine prosperity, and freedom from judgment. Once freed, this new energy helps to promote creativity and unconditional love. Needless to say, all these positive changes help sweep away any negative feelings, such as those associated with depression, or even long-standing resentments or jealousy.
If you would like to experience this type of amazing yoga, you’ll want professional guidance. Understanding more about how Kundalini works will help you achieve the results you seek, so a little private time with the books can help you as well. As with any yoga, it's best to learn Kundalini from an experienced instructor, who can help you focus your energy in addition to teaching you the techniques. Having an awakened yogi nearby can be half the battle.
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